
課程分類 課程名稱 上課時間 授課學校 開課狀況
生活藝能-國際語文類 旅遊英語會話從頭學 星期一 19:00-21:40 南港社區大學 招生中
授課講師 周如雁
課程費用 學分費3000元,新生製證費100元,報名費200元,冷氣費200元學員團體保險費:春秋季班200元、寒暑期班100元
其他費用 旅遊口語從頭學 作者: 常春藤中外編輯群 出版社: 常春藤 定價: 500,優惠價: 各網站不一定,約320元上下。 二手網路價(蝦皮、樂天等賣場)會再便宜一些,看賣家
授課地址 臺北市南港區東新街108巷23號
理念目標 1.從頭熟悉KK與自然發音 2.家族成員字群解析,提示字根字首,一次記好記滿。 3.加強聽說讀三層面,尤其聽+說 4.保持自我朗讀的習慣,英語世界不脫節
教學方式 1.老師分段講解書本內容 2.同學們分段彼此練習對話與展演 3.輔以英語歌唱教學(約佔1/3至1/4上課內容),用英文歌拉近我們與世界的距離 4.課後以LINE群組進行班級經營 5.本課程採「混成彈性教學」模式,原則上實體授課,如遇連假停課或疫情停課等不可抗力因素,將利用Google Meet線上教學。
師資介紹 英文教學方面: - 曾任職升學補習班3年,教授國中、高中英文。 - 從研究所起至今,就開始一直擔任英文家教,學生年齡從國中至成人都有;教學內容從發音、文法、會話皆包含。 - 目前也在南港社大擔任英文會話老師,含本期,共經歷14期教學。(2015.09~2023.03) 英文秘書方面: 曾擔任英商IREG工程顧問公司、進口貿易、台北影業公司的秘書。 頻道方面: 目前擔任頻道業務經理,負責境外頻道申請執照與上架推廣業務。
選課要求 1. 喜愛英文的夥伴們 2. 年齡達18歲以上,不需父母陪同者。 3. 能夠隨時因應連假或疫情,調整為線上上課者。
備  註 ※本表單僅供參考,正確資訊以南港公告為準,如有不便請多包涵
週次 主題 內容
第一週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight P39-41 UNIT 8 Going to the Airport 常用情境對話 A: Should we drive to the airport? B: I don't know. It's convenient to drive, but the car parking is so expensive.
第二週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT 8 Going to the Airport P38 Useful Expressions 1. Let's get the airport bus. We'll save a fortune. 2. If we reserve car parking in advance, we can get a big discount.
第三週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT 9 Going Through Security Inspection常用情境對話 P43 A: Please place your luggage on the conveyor belt. B: Should I remove my belt?
第四週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT 9 Going Through Security Inspection P42 Useful Expressions 1. Please walk through the metal detector one at a time. 2. May I conduct a body check, please?
第五週 Sing a Song 1 : "Only you" by Platters Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT 10 Flight Delays P46-47常用情境對話 A:We regret to inform you that your flight to New York has been delayed. B: How long is the flight going to be put off?
第六週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT 10 Flight Delays P44-45 Useful Expressions 1. Why is the flight delayed? 2. What compensation will you offer us because of the delay?
第七週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT 11 Check-in P49-51常用情境對話 A: Your baggage weights 24 kg. The baggage allowance for this flight is 20kg. I'm afraid you'll need to pay an excess baggage fee. B: I thought the baggage allowance is 25kg.
第八週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT 11 Check-in P48 Useful Expressions 1. Please place your baggage on the scale. 2. Please proceed to the boarding gate no later than 9:30.
第九週 公民參與週 社大辦公室安排之講座或活動
第十週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT 12 Boarding P53-54常用情境對話 A: Welcome aboard, madam. May I see your boarding pass? B: Here you are.
第十一週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT 12 Boarding P52 Useful Expressions 1. Your seat is down this aisle on the left-hand side. It's window seat. 2. Please fasten your seat belts in preparation for take-off.
第十二週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT13 Turbulence and Getting Airsick P56-58常用情境對話 A: We are experiencing some turbulence. Please sit down and fasten your seat belts. B: Can I use the bathroom?
第十三週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT13 Turbulence and Getting Airsick P55 Useful Expressions 1. Take some deep breaths. 2. Breathe slowly through your nose.
第十四週 Sing a Song 2 : "Sugar, Sugar" by Archies Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT 14 Enjoying the In-flight Meals and Service P60-62常用情境對話 A: Sir, how may I help you? B: I would like to try and get some sleep. Can I get a pillow and a blanket, please?
第十五週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT 14 Enjoying the In-flight Meals and Service P59 Useful Expressions 1. Here is your arrival card. Please complete it before we land. 2. Tonight we are serving chicken casserole or beef and rice.
第十六週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT 15 Approaching and Landing P65-66常用情境對話 A: I always feel nervous during landing. B: Oh really? I like landing. It's the most exciting part.
第十七週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT 15 Approaching and Landing P63-64 Useful Expressions 1. Please return to your seats, fasten your seat belts, place your seats in an upright position, stow away your tables and open your window blinds.
第十八週 Chapter 2 Taking a Flight UNIT 16 Going Through Immigration P68-70常用情境對話 A: What is the purpose of your visit? B: A business trip.